OB3350CP LED驱动器IC_引脚排列_功能规格
栏目:行业资讯 发布时间:2024-07-16
 Pin NumberPin NameDescription1VinThis is the power supply input, where the recommended operating range is 8V to 35 V DC.2GATEIt is the gate driver output pin which can be connected to the MOSFET (ac

  Pin NumberPin NameDescription1VinThis is the power supply input, where the recommended operating range is 8V to 35 V DC.2GATEIt is the gate driver output pin which can be connected to the MOSFET (acts like a switch) to either allow the required LED current or else blocks it by turning off the input at gate terminal.3GNDThis is the power ground terminal.4CSThe Current sense terminal gets the LED current and based on its intensity the gate driver output (GATE terminal) will be altered.5FBIt is the LED current feedback input terminal which is used to monitor the intensity of current flowing through the device so that the current can be balanced to avoid damaging the external device.6COMPIt is the Boost Converter Loop compensation terminal which is used to control the inductor current based on the type of load used.7OVPThe Over Voltage Protection terminal monitor the LED currents, if they go beyond the threshold levels, if any such conditions are found it resets the Vin or PWM signal to avoid the external LED getting damaged.8PWM 

  PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation, with respect to OB3350CP, it is used to control the brightness of the LED. An external PWM signal of frequency range 100Hz to 1KHz and voltage range of 0V to greater than 2.5V can be applied to this pin.